You may think you smoke just because you want to, but telltale signs of nicotine addiction include the time of day you start lighting up and what you will do in order to have a cigarette. Get the lowdown on nicotine addiction, and find out how to quit for good.
By Beth W. Orenstein
If you smoke cigarettes, it’s likely you are addicted to nicotine. Statistics show that three out of four people who start smoking are still smoking 40 years later. They simply can’t quit smoking, because nicotine, a drug found naturally in tobacco, is addictive. The Surgeon General has concluded that nicotine addiction has similar pharmacologic and behavioral characteristics to cocaine and heroin addictions.
A pack-a-day smoker smokes a cigarette about every hour or so, says Erik Augustson, PhD, MPH, a behavioral scientist in the Tobacco Control Research Branch of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md. If you were to stop or even cut back, you would start to go into nicotine withdrawal — and that’s what drives smokers to smoke their next cigarette.
How soon you reach for a cigarette in the morning, after not smoking for the time you were sleeping, is a good indication of the severity of your nicotine addiction. “If you have your first cigarette of the day within five minutes of waking, your addiction is pretty strong. If it’s within 30 minutes, it’s moderate and, if it’s within 60 minutes or later, it’s somewhat lower,” says Cheryl Yates, a master certified tobacco treatment specialist at The Tobacco-Free Wellness Center at The Reading Hospital and Medical Center in Pennsylvania.
Other signs that you have a nicotine addiction include:
· You smoke more than seven cigarettes a day.
· You smoke even when you’re sick.
· You go outside to smoke even if it’s freezing or raining.
You have to consider not only how many cigarettes you smoke, but also how heavily you inhale, Yates points out. “You can extract the same amount of nicotine from 10 cigarettes as you do from 20 if you smoke heavily rather than lightly,” she says.
Another way to know you’re addicted to cigarettes is if you try to stop and you experience withdrawal symptoms. The most common nicotine withdrawal symptoms are:
· Irritability and anger
· Restlessness
· Depression
· Physical sensations, like you have a mild case of the flu
· Inability to sleep uninterrupted
· Cravings for cigarettes
· Weight gain, though typically less than 10 pounds
Some people who have quit smoking complain of dizziness, headaches, and having more dreams during withdrawal. According to research, most smokers experience at least four of these nicotine withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit smoking.
“Nicotine withdrawal is unpleasant for the vast majority of smokers,” Augustson says, “but it’s not as bad as we see with other drug addictions. It’s not physically dangerous and, while it’s unpleasant, most smokers try to manage it.”
The unpleasant side effects of nicotine withdrawal are the most intense when you first quit. They begin to subside somewhat after a week and even more after a month. Withdrawal symptoms can linger, but it does get easier. Eventually, the time between cravings will grow longer and longer, and eventually stop — typically after about six months.
The cravings themselves are like waves, Augustson explains. “Cravings can be very intense, but they will crest and fade even if you don’t have a cigarette. They will go away naturally on their own. Cravings won’t last more than 10 to 15 minutes for most smokers. Finding a way to get through that 10- to 15-minute period is a very effective strategy for quitting.”
Augustson suggests saying to yourself: “I know it’s unpleasant now, but if I wait 15 to 20 minutes, I can wait it out and I can be very proud of myself because I did.”
Other strategies for quitting include:
· Find a distraction. Go for a walk, wash the dishes, or play a game with your kids. “Find something that will distract you enough to get through those cravings,” says Augustson.
· Remind yourself why you should quit. Write a list of the top five reasons why you should stop smoking — such as you don’t want to get lung cancer like Dad and die at an early age, or you can save $75 a week not buying cigarettes. Keep the list with you and review it when you feel the urge to smoke.
· Avoid situations where you are likely tempted to smoke. Common triggers include feeling stressed, being bored, or drinking alcohol. Know what situations cause you the most stress and try to come up with coping techniques, such as deep breathing or practicing yoga. Plan activities so that you’re not bored. Stay away from bars and other places where you often drink — especially when you’re first starting in your efforts to quit. If you must have something, switch to non-alcoholic beverages.
· Seek support. Let friends and family members know of your intention to quit. Also, find a support group. You can find support online or in person with groups that meet locally.
Because nicotine is addictive, quitting is never easy. But with the right help and the right attitude, you can overcome your addiction.