Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Boy, I Could Use A Smoke!

Everyone knows Smoking just goes better with some things more than than others.

Like our morning cup of joe, beer or any alcohol really, the bath-room break, lunch break, ohhhhh ..... After our Thanksgiving meal! Oh heck, I could really go on, couldn't I? Bet you can think of plenty of your own.

What's high on the list though is stressful situations. Like those times at work when you get frustrated and just say: "Man, I need a smoke", then run out side.

Stress, frustration, depression, anxiety ........ These are way more powerful 'triggers' for me. I can have a few beers or even enjoy my morning coffee without craving a smoke, but anxiety is the toughest time of all.

I swear I can smell a lit cigarette from a block away. Sometimes I think it would be easy to walk up to someone and ask to 'bum' a cigarette. Smokers are the best ... Even at $10 a pack most smokers will comply.

I've been severely tempted this week. Stress and anxiety; sitting idle at an intersection, a faint whiff of cigarette smoke comes through my window .... Oh Heavens, was I tempted.

I prevailed over my own weakness's however, I really would have like to have 'just one' but I did not. To paraphrase Jimmy McMillan:

The Cost Is Too Damn High!!!!!!!!!

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