from the Mayo Clinic Smoke Free Blog ...
As attention shifts to a new year ahead, it brings about a focus on change, what we want to be new and different in our lives.
Most New Year's resolutions are sound in what they represent, but fall flat due to lack of planning and lack of actual resolve. Many wish for the change and set the intention to lose weight, exercise more or quit smoking, but without making a definitive decision, accompanied by determination and a doable plan, success will be evasive at best.
The result of broken resolutions is a betrayal of the self. Whenever you tell yourself you'll do something, and then you don't complete it, you erode your self-trust. You then have to make justifications for why you didn't follow through, which can show up as blame or pity. When you don't trust yourself in one area of your life, how can you really live authentically in other aspects?
Let 2011 be the year you choose to become smoke-free. It doesn't have to be on the first day of the year. Don't get attached to the date; just be resolved about the final outcome. If you slip, it's OK. Just connect to your resolve and start again as soon as possible.
Here are a few tips to help you get geared up for success:
* Plan, plan, plan. Know what you will do instead of smoking before your quit date. Get your supplies of both tobacco cessation aids, like the patch, and substitutes for your hands and mouth.
* Consider exceptions. You might feel like you can't quit, but think of a time when this wasn't true. You may have quit in the past or perhaps you can go all day long at work without a cigarette. Perhaps there was something else in your life you thought you couldn't do and you proved yourself wrong. Find whatever it is that shows you're capable and hold that image.
* Be purposeful. Dedicate yourself to you and your health. Grow your self-esteem and self-trust by following through over and over again until you achieve the success you want.
* Future focus. How will you feel when you conquer your tobacco addiction? I predict you'lll feel more confident, capable and have a deep knowing that you can accomplish anything you commit to. How will the rest of your life be impacted by this?
Make 2011 your time to finally resolve to be tobacco free and start living the life you really want!