30 Weeks Totally SMOKE FREE Today!!!
You know what bothers me most about cigarette smoke now? It's not the smell of cigarettes themselves ... It's the stale smoke smell that lingers in clothing afterwards.
It always seems to be worse at Wal*Mart, doesn't it? Other check out lines too -- Heck, I can even smell it on someone who sits near me in church on Sundays.
I'm bothered when I realize I used to smell like that too. Although, I've asked around and have been told by many they don't remember me always reeking of stale cigarette smoke. Some even say they don't remember my house smelling like smoke ... That's a good thing ... not to be remembered for someone who's carried that putrid smell in all his clothes and in his home.
I've said this before and I want to be clear, especially if you're reading this and you haven't quite 'kicked the habit' yet ... I want to be a recovering smoker -- not a rabid anti-smoker. (The convert whose Holier than the Pope, so-to-speak).
Sooo, Here I am, 30 Weeks -- 210 days Smoke Free!!!! Calculating approximately 30 cigarettes a day, that's 6300 cigarettes not smoked and somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,300.00 saved.
AND -- I smell good!!!
You know what bothers me most about cigarette smoke now? It's not the smell of cigarettes themselves ... It's the stale smoke smell that lingers in clothing afterwards.
It always seems to be worse at Wal*Mart, doesn't it? Other check out lines too -- Heck, I can even smell it on someone who sits near me in church on Sundays.
I'm bothered when I realize I used to smell like that too. Although, I've asked around and have been told by many they don't remember me always reeking of stale cigarette smoke. Some even say they don't remember my house smelling like smoke ... That's a good thing ... not to be remembered for someone who's carried that putrid smell in all his clothes and in his home.
I've said this before and I want to be clear, especially if you're reading this and you haven't quite 'kicked the habit' yet ... I want to be a recovering smoker -- not a rabid anti-smoker. (The convert whose Holier than the Pope, so-to-speak).
Sooo, Here I am, 30 Weeks -- 210 days Smoke Free!!!! Calculating approximately 30 cigarettes a day, that's 6300 cigarettes not smoked and somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,300.00 saved.