By that time an older fellow came up to me and just started talking for some reason. (I don't know why but I seem to have that kind of inviting face). At one point he wanted me to guess his age. I HATE that game -- no where can you be a winner in that game.
"Are you over retirement age," I started, pretty much knowing that answer was 'Yes'. I go on to ask; "more than 70?" He gives me the thumbs up, indicating to me to guess higher.
"My mother's 72," I say, "are you older than her." Thumbs up. "Seventy-five?" I say trying to add some surprise to my guess.
Higher the sign indicates. Finally, I reach the correct 82 years old in this game I loath. The conversation continues. Unfortunately.
After the age guessing game my new found friend tells me he owes his longevity to having given up smoking many years ago. This is where I got to share with someone that I too had 'kicked the habit' for good!
As the encounter finally came to a close I was given this card. It read:
~ How To Slow Age ~
Don't Smoke!
Drink Lots of Water
Take Vitamins
Try Something New Every Day
Have a Sense of Humor
Talk to God
Moderation in all Things
By The Way, Don't Smoke
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