Thursday, February 3, 2011

83 Weeks Ago ~

My post have come further and further apart, I know. Sorry about that. Especially since I know I have at least two new followers ...

Obviously I do not have a widely read blog here! However, I did start this 580 days and 83 weeks ago primarily as my own self help therapy to my quit smoking adventure.

If you read much of my previous post you know this was not my first attempt at becoming smoke free but I did want to make it my last -- AND -- it looks like it will be! (So far :))

Funny how the stale smell of smoke in people's clothing has bothered me so much lately. I can hardly believe I lived nearly thirty years that way.

Even though the smell nearly gags me, I absolutely know that if I were to inhale a cigarette the desire and addiction would rush back to me in an instant.

So, unlike Leif Garret on Celebrity Rehab w/ Doctor Drew, I continue to not test my temptation.

** Last week was Navy Graduation in Great Lakes, Illinois. Shown here is my new Sailor. :o)

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