Suddenly, early evening, I get the call ... Trouble in Google (aka: Topeka) Kansas and there is no one else available to drive there and oversee operations.
Is it really that serious? Do you really Need ME?? I'm having a hard time answering both questions. But -- I just do what's asked of me.
Back in the olden days -- or, at least 345 days ago -- it would not have been that big of a deal. I would have just gotten in the Jeep, drove to the nearest Circle K, filled up with gas, bought a large coffee and, of course, a pack of smokes .... Then .... I would have smoked the entire drive to Kansas' Capitol.
I may have smelled like an ashtray by the time I got there but I would have at least enjoyed the drive. In fact, I've been offered the mid-Kansas territory before. I may have considered it if I were still a smoker. Being in your car most of the day is not a bad job for a smoker in today's world. No one around to pester or bother you. Just smoke and java.
My cravings for cigarettes have subsided GREATLY since last July but I have to admit, there were times on my little road trip where the thought of stopping for a smoke sounded VERY appealing!
Like Gloria Gaynor: I Survived!
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