Sunday, July 5, 2009

~Re-Born on the 4th of July~

“Today is the first day of the rest of my life” -- it’s a cliché. Kind of boring and usually pretty meaningless. Somewhat silly when you think about it …

Obviously, this little chestnut applies to each and every day. But it’s particularly appropriate for some of the bigger events in life, such as marriage, the birth of a child, graduations, embarking on a new career … and of course the day someone decides to quit smoking cigarettes for good!

There are so many different approaches at serious attempts to ‘Kicking the Habit“;
and I think I’ve tried them all... The patch, Wellbutrin, Nicorette gum, nicotine lozenges, and of course “Cold Turkey…” what many believe is the absolute best way.

I have had some relative success quitting in the past, but I’ve yet to able to claim total victory… I’ve never made it a full year without cigarettes. I came close once but I always seem to fall victim to my own weakness to this evil addiction.

Anyone around my age or older may remember C. Everett Koop, the former Surgeon General during the Reagan Administration. In 1984 Koop made a controversial declaration that the drug nicotine had a more powerful addictiveness than heroin.

I remember that well… I also remember the out-rage of smokers who thought the Surgeon General was minimizing the affects of ‘hard’ drugs by comparing heroin and cocaine to cigarettes. For anyone who’s been addicted to cigarettes however, and has tried to quit, may not think Koop was out of line at all.

Even the American Heart Association compares the two … According to the AHA; “Nicotine addiction has historically been on the hardest addictions to break.”

As for my own struggle with this powerful addiction the one word that keeps coming to mind is ’Ridiculous” … basically, I’ve spent nearly 30 years killing myself, as my hypnotherapist put it; “on an installment plan” … which defies all common sense reasoning.

Anyone with a brain in their head knows the harmful effects of smoking. But an addict doesn’t think in a coherent manner when it comes to their addiction. All we seem to think about is the next smoke. Even now, as I write this I’m lusting after a smoke, wishing I could take a break and go outside and enjoy the pleasures a cigarette seems to provide.

You would think my breathing would be better, but I feel as if the oxygen is being sucked out of the room. I keep inhaling fresh oxygen, short, non toxic breaths joined in conjunction with a nervous, jittery physical mood. I’m finding it hard to think coherently and concentrate on what I’m doing, rather I’m focused on what I don’t want to do or shouldn’t be doing.

So, here I am… On the 233rd anniversary of our great country’s Declaration of Independence from a repressive government declaring my new independence from the shackles of this powerful, repressive addiction.

I hope this becomes my success story and not a window into another story of failure for all the world to see.

Hi-- And Welcome;

My name is F. Jozsef Wolfe and I want to welcome you to my new on-line no-smoking blog. All are welcome … I hope you wish me success, I also hope I can help others find success too.

Let the journey begin!

1 comment:

  1. preachin`to the choir,brother.

    have not inhaled a single tobacco drag since 2005
