Monday, February 1, 2010

97 Reasons To Quit Smoking (part 2) ~ #'s 63 - 81

63. Cut down on your chemical intake ,,, cigarettes have more than 4,000 different kinds.
64. Earn more money and have more job options.The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) National Workrights Institute estimates that there are more than 6,000 companies in the U.S. that attempt to regulate off-duty smoking and other private behavior.
65. Date more—at least in Canada...A 2005 survey of Canadians, done by Nicoderm (a patch product) and Lavalife (a site that says it has "thousands of local, sexy adult online singles"), found that over 50% people would not date a smoker.
66. ...and get dumped less.In that same survey, 20% had, or knew someone who had, broken up with someone because he or she smoked.
67. Enjoy chocolate more.In a study, women who smoked were les sensitive to sweet flavors than women who never smoked.
68. Get more pleasure out of life.No matter what the cigarette makers say about tobacco-induced coolness, bonhomie, cowboy-ruggedness, independence, and sexiness, it's mostly nonsense. Scientists at the Peninsula Medical School in the UK assessed the well-being of nearly 10,000 people over the age of 50 and found that smokers in the group reported less satisfaction with their lives than the nonsmokers.
69. Crash your car less often.In a 1990 study published in the Canadian Journal of Public Health, smokers had a 50% increase over nonsmokers to have an accident.
70. Be indoors more often, where it's safer. This
video ~ Danger, Will Robinson, Danger ~ is a joke, but it's only one of a whole genre of "funny reasons to quit smoking".
71. Be more kissable.Chics dig a dude with fresh breath --- and vise versa…
72. Stop being a horrible influence on children.Children of smokers are twice as likely to pick up the habit.
73. As we said, you'll stop being a horrible influence on children.Exposure to second hand smoke, even low amounts, hurts kids' cognitive skills and is linked to increased behavioral problems.
74. Your children will even have healthier teeth, for crying out loud.Children raised in houses where one or both adults smoke are more likely to develop tooth decay.
75. Your mouth will be better off too.Smoking compromises saliva flow and function. Saliva is important for cleaning the lining of the teeth and mouth and protecting teeth from decay.
76. You'll look better in front of a judge.Secondhand smoke, also called environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), can have an adverse impact on child-custody decisions.
77. Preserve your eyesight.Exposure to cigarette smoke doubles your risk of developing Macular Degeneration:Smoking and Macular Degeneration
78. If you quit, it will be easier for your partner to quit. Several studies have found that it's harder to quit when you live with someone who smokes.
79. No more huffing and puffing during workouts.Cigarette smoking causes carbon monoxide to seep into your blood, which it’s the amount of oxegen to your heart, lungs, and muscles.
80. Save money on dry cleaning.Quitters will no longer have to pay to remove the stench of smoke from their sweaters and sport coats.
81. Broaden your online dating options.See #65 ("Light up your love life"), are a bit limiting.

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