Thursday, February 4, 2010

Seven Smoke Free Months ~

If I have a cigarette while out having a beer ... Heck, I may as well have three or four if I'm going to cheat once ... Right?

I should probably grab one for the road from an unoccupied pack sitting on the table next to me!!!

Once I've tumbled off this wagon I've ridden for this long -- there are other questions to be answered: (1) Do I start my cigarette counter at the bottom of this blog completely over?? (2) Do I confess to the 'indiscretion' in this blog?? (3) I have very few readers so who'd really care or even notice anyway???
There's more questions but I'll stop there for now ...

The questions, as well as the guilt, start to become overwhelming!!! I bet there are people who cheat on their spouse who don't experience this kind of turmoil!!!

I've been SMOKE FREE ~ Totally without cigarettes ~ Completely CHEAT FREE ~ for right at 7 Months now!!
I've been able to stave off the cravings But ~~~~
I continue to have these reoccurring and very realistic dreams!!!


  1. FJW,

    Stay the course and be strong. I know I haven't posted a comment in a while but I'm still here with you (smoke free) and your blog is still a source of inspiration for me. It is like we share a birthday and I can't wait to hit a year with you.


  2. DON'T DO IT! The worst part is over. Hell, if you have made it this long... you can beat it. Most cravings at this point last only a few minutes. I too quit in July. Would have 7 months about now, but I caved in and bought one pack in mid Sept. I can't say I have 7 months... but I now have 5. I read your blog for continued inspiration. WE WILL MAKE IT! Thanks for being here. Tom
