83. Contribute more to the nation's productivity.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that premature deaths caused by smoking cost the U.S. roughly $92 billion in lost productivity each year.
84. Hold on to your marbles longer.A 2007 Dutch study of 7,000 people published in the journal Neurology concluded that current smoking increases the risk of dementia. Past smoking doesn't.
85. Get rid of genital warts faster.(now this is good!!) An Australian study showed that genital warts were more likely to linger for six months or more in men who were smokers compared with nonsmokers.
86. Improve your chances of getting pregnant: Part 1.Compared with nonsmokers, female smokers have a higher incidence of infertility and take longer to conceive.
87. Improve your chances of getting pregnant: Part 2.Cigarette smoking damage women’s ovaries and the degree of harm increases with the number of cigarettes and length of time a woman smokes.
88. Improve your chances of getting pregnant: Part 3.Smoking can speed up egg loss and reproductive function in women.
89. Improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy.The chemicals in cigarette smoke have been shown to interfere with estrogen . These chemicals also cause a woman’s eggs (oocytes) to be more prone to genetic abnormalities.
90. Now that you're pregnant, improve your chances of the pregnancy turning out well.Smoking is strongly associated with an increased risk of miscarriages.
91. Another reason you'll improve your chances of the pregnancy turning out well.Pregnant smokers are more likely to have premature babies than pregnant nonsmokers.
92. Less chance of suffering tobacco-induced limp-noodle syndrome, which is not a technical term but you get the idea.
92. Less chance of suffering tobacco-induced limp-noodle syndrome, which is not a technical term but you get the idea.
93. You could save $14 per pack!You will, however, split that savings with your employer and the nation. Here’s the math: If cigarettes are $7 per pack in your local store today, add another $7.18 (at least), because that’s the 2002 estimate by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the per-pack cost in lost productivity and medical costs caused by cigarettes. Given the skyrocketing cost of medical care in this country, the savings may even be greater than that.
94. After you quit, it will be safe to watch Mad Men.AMC’s riveting, smoke-wreathed, ultra cool series about ad agencies in the early 1960s is an hour-long inducement to light up.
95. You will be much less likely to be the butt of a headline like "Smoking Woman in Air Rage."According to The Smoking Gun, the Web site that serves up arrest warrants and other documents pertaining to bad behavior, a 35-year-old New Yorker lit up a cigarette on a JetBlue flight to San Francisco on June 17, 2008, began cursing, punched a flight attendant, and had to be restrained while the plane made a diversion to Denver.
96. You will laugh less self-consciously at a headline like "Smoking Now Permitted Only in Special Room in Iowa."Check out The Onion's hilarious 1998 story about a congressional law "restricting smoking in the U.S. to a specially designated ‘smoking lounge’ in Oskaloosa, IA." The story quotes an antismoking activist: "We must continue to lobby for greater restrictions until smoking is only allowed beyond the orbit of the outermost gas giant Neptune."
94. After you quit, it will be safe to watch Mad Men.AMC’s riveting, smoke-wreathed, ultra cool series about ad agencies in the early 1960s is an hour-long inducement to light up.
95. You will be much less likely to be the butt of a headline like "Smoking Woman in Air Rage."According to The Smoking Gun, the Web site that serves up arrest warrants and other documents pertaining to bad behavior, a 35-year-old New Yorker lit up a cigarette on a JetBlue flight to San Francisco on June 17, 2008, began cursing, punched a flight attendant, and had to be restrained while the plane made a diversion to Denver.
96. You will laugh less self-consciously at a headline like "Smoking Now Permitted Only in Special Room in Iowa."Check out The Onion's hilarious 1998 story about a congressional law "restricting smoking in the U.S. to a specially designated ‘smoking lounge’ in Oskaloosa, IA." The story quotes an antismoking activist: "We must continue to lobby for greater restrictions until smoking is only allowed beyond the orbit of the outermost gas giant Neptune."
97. Oh Yeah, have I mention you'll likely live longer?
Every cigarette you smoke cuts and estimated 11 minutes off your expected life span.
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