Monday, August 31, 2009

Exercise Shown To Powerfully Decrease Cigarette Cravings

Reproduced without permission from:
Originally published April 4 2007
by David Gutierrez, staff writer

Even mild exercise can help stave off cigarette cravings and withdrawal symptoms as well as decrease a smoker's chance of reaching for a cigarette, according to a study published in the journal "Addiction." Researchers from the University of Exeter and the University of Toronto reviewed 14 previously published studies and compared the results.

What you need to know - Conventional View

Twelve of the studies reviewed demonstrated that a bout of exercise caused a rapid decrease in cigarette cravings, withdrawal symptoms and other negative effects of cigarette addiction.

As little as five minutes of simple exercises such as walking, isometrics, or muscle flexing proved as effective as a nicotine patch in decreasing an immediate craving.

A high-intensity bout of exercise decreased cravings for 30 to 40 minutes, whereas a light bout decreased them for 15 minutes.

The majority of studies that looked at withdrawal symptoms found that exercise caused a significant decrease in at least two of six symptoms: anxiety, irritability, restlessness, stress, tension and poor concentration.

The researchers noted that further studies are needed to discover the mechanisms by which exercise affects the body's response to addiction.

Quote: "Relatively small doses of exercise should be recommended as an aid to managing cigarette cravings and withdrawal symptoms." - study authors Adrian H. Taylor, Michael H. Ussher and Guy Faulkner

Bottom line:
• Exercise can be used to stave off cigarette cravings.


  1. Hey--I randomly came across your blog, was mildly considering quiting and then just read your 11 steps, picked a day and I'm two days nicotine free and loving it...not the annoying cravings, but the knowlegde that it's finally over; buying packs, lighters, stinking up my home, having to 'duck out' of bars, rests, peoples smoke a lousy product produced by very amoral bastards....

    so thanks. Phil

  2. Phil~
    Thank You -- Glad you joined. Now that you're into your third day you may want to read: Threesome Anyone? Posted in July...
    I sure appreciate what you wrote about the money going down the drain -- I haven't gotten into it yet but will soon, also the money the government keeps extorting from smokers.

  3. FJW,

    Just wanted to reply about exercise staving off cravings and let you know it really has worked for me. When I first quit July 1st I could barely squeez out 15 push-ups. I started doing them and crunches every time I had a craving. Now I can do 60 push-ups at a time and over 200 a day, I don't count the crunches reps. With walking I've actually lost weight since quiting.
    Welcome Phil. This a really inspirational blog that's done wonders for me. FJW does a great job so check back often and good luck. It can be done.

    Thanks again,
