Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Warning: Hot Dogs Kill ~

First there were No Smoking Sections on Airplanes followed by a total ban. Then came peanut free zones and now many airlines won’t even serve peanuts on their flights.

Are we soon looking at hot dog free zones? Will a baseball game in America soon resemble the stands in Japan with fans eating Lo Mein with chop-stix rather than stuffing our faces with a quality all beef Frank??

This may be what’s ahead if The Cancer Project, a nonprofit anti-meat consumer group based in Washington DC, has their way. Recently, in Essex County, New Jersey the group alleged in a class-action law suit that hot dogs pose serious health risks and need to carry warning labels similar to those on a package of cigarettes. Something to the effect of:

“Warning: Consuming hot dogs and other processed meats
pose a serious increase in the risk of cancer.”

The suit cites a two-year study by the American Institute for Cancer Research stating that the amount of processed meat in a single hot dog (consumed daily, mind you) increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 21 percent.

The study recommends consumption of red meat should be limited to 18 ounces or less per week and processed meats such as hot dogs, bologna and cold cuts be eliminated from your diet all together.

According to The Cancer Project, Americans eat approximately 1.5 billion pounds of hot dogs annually. Also, the average person eats 32 pounds of processed meat every year. Sixty-two percent of Americans eat some form of processed meat. The conclusion then is that this is the reason 150,000 Americans are diagnosed with colorectal cancer every year.

Personally, I really like the study released earlier this year by The National Cancer Institute which found that people who eat large amounts processed meats (ie: Hot Dogs) are more likely to die (Duh!) … especially from cancer of heart disease. Now, I’m no statistician, but if I’m not mistaken
the death ratio among humans is still one in one!

I gave up smoking for a multitude of reasons – one was health issues, obviously. There was also the cost factor along with regaining control of my life.
I love hot dogs, I’m not totally sure about the health issues of me having an all beef frank on occasion but unless I was eating an entire package of Nathan’s Famous or Hebrew Nationals daily, (both great hot dogs, by-the-way) I don’t foresee a major cost issue. Further, my need for a Hot Dog doesn't have me running out on the side walk a few times each day.

For those of you who've in the past "wished you were an Oscar Meyer Wiener" ... all I can say is be careful what you wish for.


  1. I have been reading your blog for the past few weeks and I totally sympathize with your struggle. I think that you should try Allan Carr's Easy-Way method- it truly is a miracle. Every other time I quit smoking I would just go completely bonkers and it never lasted. This time it was so easy it's scary to think how much power I thought cigarettes had over me in the past. Although the first three days were the hardest I have zero cravings now. Everytime I see someone smoking I realize just how gross it smells and the smoke gives me headaches. The number one thing I noticed is that I am not counting days- I know I quit about 2 weeks ago or so but I am no longer excruciatily counting days. You know the saying "Life is only as complicated as you make it?" It is the same with smoking- the harder you think it is to quit the harder you will make it for yourself. You just need to retrain your brain to realize the truth behind all the lies us smokers tell ourselves to keep us in the vicious smoking cycle. One thing that the method stresses is not using replacements after you quit (sounds really scary, I know)- by replacing cigarettes with something else only re-inforces the thinking that you are depriving yourself of something. When you quit smoking you are loosing nothing; well, maybe bad breath, yellow teeth, loss of smell and taste- if you can call those big losses. I know I probably sound like some spokes-person or something but this method worked like a dream for me and it might work for you. What's the worst that could happen, you try it and it doesn't work for you and you end up right back where you are now- at least if you do it you can rightfully say that you tried.

  2. Great Comments and Good Advice Rachelle ~
    Thanks for Following along and Thanks for Sharing.
