Below is one of the best emails I've received in support of our on-going efforts.
I hope anyone still reading my blog finds this helpful and maybe even inspiring.
The post script remarks should be well heeded!!
Thanks -- FJW
If you haven't smoked a cigarette in over a month,
then you are not still trying to quit smoking...
I don't want to frighten you, but you are QUIT - DONE!
Just For Today...if you are taking a drag here and there, or a cigarette here and there,
then you are still trying to quit.
I remember I walked into a room where a lady I worked with had just lit up a cigarette,
and she was puffing away. I said, gee, I didn't know you smoked...
she said, "I don't!" -- Funny, but we all do and say this kind of deceitful behavior...
(I told her, either you smoke or you don't, he-he)
So if you are not smoking for a month, I say to you,
Congratulations! You are off to a great start!
One day at a time, one breath at a time...
and if you are playing around...Congratulations just for will succeed eventually.
I tell myself, I am one puff away from a pack- one puff is too many and a thousand is not enough.
Just like Alcoholics Anonymous Principles, it can be applied to smoking, and it helps....
I remember I never got the kind of support I felt I needed when I quit smoking. It seemed no one I knew even wanted to talk about quitting smoking! I remember crying a lot for a few days, feeling like I lost my best friend. Some friend, huh! And I realized, cigarettes were my best friend! I didn't know who I was without a cigarette in my hand, mouth,
ashtray, or anywhere else I could smoke one or
obsess over smoking one....
I wish you well. Take one day at a time, and it will get easier. It might get so easy, you might fool yourself into thinking you can have just one cigarette! I hope
not, because it is hell, and you know we are slaves to
this twofold addiction....a smoking obsession,
with a nicotine addiction! Most folks think the nicotine addiction is the worst. I disagree. After a few days, we are usually free from nicotine and left with that damn smoking obsession, and that does not go away as easily; it seems to come and go, so just be aware
when it is talking to you....and talk back, say, nope,
I don't want one cigarette! One is too many and a thousand is not enough. Good luck to you....
PS- A hard-on is useless if you can't breathe...
so just worry about not picking up that first cigarette.